
How to order

Have you found one or more items that you would like to purchase? Please click the "order" button. Caution: when items are placed in your bag this does not mean they are reserved.

Done shopping? Go to the shopping cart icon in the top right corner to finalize your order. Then, follow the next 3 steps:

1: Details
Please fill in your personal information and shipping address.

2: Confirmation

Please confirm your purchase information.

3: Payment
Please select the payment method of your choice. - In case of iDeal; select your bank

After your successful payment, you will receive an email confirmation on the address provided. This confirmation contains your invoice and the details of your order.


NIEUW! Vaste klanten sparen nu automatisch voor korting. Lees hierover op de pagina Klantenservice, subpagina Spaarprogramma.

NEW! La Vitrine de Caroline's loyalty program. Read more on the page Customer service, sub page Loyalty program.


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